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With little notice, truck accidents begin increasing

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2014 | Truck Accidents

There are few more frightening images than that of sitting in traffic that has come to a complete halt on an interstate highway, and seeing a semi truck rapidly approaching in the rearview mirror. This horrifying scenario plays out all too frequently on the nation’s highways and this and other truck accidents occur daily with barely an eyebrow raised.

The Tracy Morgan accident was notable not because of the nature of the truck accident, where an apparently fatigued driver slammed into his limo killing one man and injuring Morgan and others. Sadly, this is an everyday occurrence, literally, with more than 10 fatal truck accidents happening every day.

No, it was most notable because of the publicity it generated, of course, involving a famous entertainer and not because of the tragic nature of the truck accident.

For the families of those killed, or the more than 284 people injured every day in truck accidents, the struggle to pay for the medical expenses, replace a vehicle or deal with the loss of a husband, wife, parent, or child may linger long after the accident.

The compensation they need has to cover both immediate expenses, and long-term costs associated with recovering from these types of truck accidents.

Whether rehabilitation and physical therapy or reconstructive surgery or emotionally coming to terms with the loss of one’s partner, there many aspects to a truck accident that go beyond the medical treatment received in an emergency room after a crash.

As the economy continues to recover, and truck traffic continues to increase, it is inevitable that the deadly toll that truck accidents extract from the families of those killed and injured will likewise increase. 

Source: NBC News, “Truck Accidents Surge, But There’s No National Outcry,” Eamon Javers and Jennifer Schlesinger, July 30, 2014


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