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Accidents caused by drunk drivers a concern in Pennsylvania

As the summer starts to wind down, law enforcement agencies throughout Pennsylvania are planning aggressive campaigns targeted at reducing the number of drunk drivers on the state’s roadways. Motorists can expect to encounter many sobriety checkpoints and other DUI enforcement tactics while they are out driving.

Despite ever-increasing penalties for those convicted of DUI, individuals are still getting behind the wheel after they have had too much to drink. Additionally, the number of motorists impaired by substances other than alcohol is on the rise, and this can be even more difficult for law enforcement officers to detect.

The number of individuals killed in drunk driving accidents remains high within the state. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 32 percent of the fatal accidents in Pennsylvania involved at least one individual with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) at 0.08 percent or higher. This is slightly higher than the 31 percent national average.

Perhaps more concerning to officials is the number of individuals with extremely high BACs that were involved in these accidents, which has been steadily increasing. Crashes where at least one individual had a BAC of at least 0.15 percent accounted for 23 percent of the traffic fatalities within the state, which is again above the national average.

Many of these accidents occur at night, which has led to the increased DUI patrols in high-traffic areas. But even with the increased police presence, not all impaired drivers will be caught. Some evade detection and continue to threaten the safety of other motorists by repeatedly driving while under the influence.

Impaired drivers might have little control over their driving abilities, which makes it impossible in some cases to avoid an accident. These motorists will frequently be traveling at a high rate of speed, which can decrease the amount of time that other drivers will have to react.

If you have been injured in a collision with a drunk driver, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can assist you with your claims against the individuals or establishments responsible for your injuries.

While you may be receiving offers from insurance companies, they are not looking out for your best interests. They are hoping that you will release them from their obligations to you, often for amounts that are much less than you will need to cover your expenses. If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, contact an experienced personal injury attorney who will protect your rights, not those of the insurance companies.