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Law Blog

Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle My Workers' Compensation Claim?

Workplace accidents happen. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were more than 115,000 work injuries and work illnesses reported at private employers in Pennsylvania in 2023 alone. In Pennsylvania, injured workers have the right to file for workers’ comp benefits. These are no-fault benefits—meaning you can get...

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Can I Receive Workers' Compensation Benefits if the Injury Was My Fault?

Were you injured while on the job in Chambersburg, Gettysburg, or elsewhere in Pennsylvania? You have the right to file for workers’ compensation benefits. You may be wondering: Can I still get compensation if I caused my own accident? In Pennsylvania, the answer is “yes”—though there are some limited exceptions....

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Can I Be Fired for Filing a Workers' Compensation Claim in Pennsylvania?

Were you hurt on the job in Pennsylvania? You have the right to file for no-fault workers’ compensation benefits without any fear of facing retribution from your employer. In Pennsylvania, you cannot be lawfully fired simply because you filed for workers’ compensation benefits. Here, our Chambersburg workers’ comp lawyer provides...

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DCB is honored to help support and sponsor the Second Annual Flags for Heroes Field of Honor

This Veterans Day, DCB is honored to help support and sponsor the Flags for Heroes Field of Honor presented by the Rotary Club of Chambersburg. This patriotic display will take place at Sellers Funeral Home in downtown Chambersburg. Among those veterans to be recognized are Bill Bolinger, Felice Cosentino, Michael...

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Truck accidents in PA are increasing in severity and frequency

Truck accidents are becoming a growing concern in Pennsylvania, with both the frequency and severity of crashes on the rise. These accidents often lead to devastating injuries and fatalities, leaving those injured and their families to face significant emotional and financial burdens.  Understanding why this trend is occurring is important...

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The complexities of determining liability in trucking accidents

Trucking accidents often result in severe damage, making it crucial to determine who is responsible. Unlike typical car accidents, the process of assigning liability in trucking accidents involves multiple parties, each of whom may share some fault. Understanding the intricacies of liability can help injured parties pursue the compensation they...

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Examples of distracted driving

It’s very dangerous to text and drive. In most places, it’s prohibited. Cellphones have massively increased the frequency of distracted driving, to the point that they are the first thing most people think of when considering distracted driving issues. But it is important to remember that cellphones are not the...

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Bill addresses misclassification to avoid paying workers’ comp

Employee misclassification is an all-too-common problem, despite laws against it and penalties for businesses determined to be guilty of it. It involves classifying a person who meets the legal requirements of an employee as an independent contractor. Pennsylvania clearly defines the difference between employees and independent contractors. Sometimes, employers misclassify...

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Meet the DCB attorneys named as 2024 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers

This year, attorneys Brad Bolinger, Tony Cosentino and Krystal MacIntyre made the 2024 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers lists for their excellence in personal injury and workers’ compensation law. The Super Lawyers selection process is rigorous and multifaceted, including peer nominations, evaluations and independent research. Only the top 5% of attorneys in...

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Handling third-party negligence in construction site accidents

Workers’ compensation usually covers benefits for employee injuries on construction sites. However, an outside party might be responsible for the injury-causing accident. In such cases, workers can often recover damages through a personal injury claim. Workers need to know when this option is available. The ability to file a personal...

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Reasons to seek immediate medical treatment after a car accident

In the aftermath of a car accident, it’s crucial to prioritize seeking medical attention, regardless of the severity of injuries you’ve sustained. Delaying or avoiding medical treatment can result in serious consequences related to both your physical health and legal interests. By understanding the negative impact of not seeking medical...

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DCB to help support and sponsor the inaugural Flags for Heroes Field of Honor on Veterans Day

This Veterans Day, DCB is honored to help support and sponsor the inaugural Flags for Heroes Field of Honor presented by the Rotary Club of Chambersburg. This patriotic display will take place at Sellers Funeral Home in downtown Chambersburg. Among those veterans to be recognized are Bill Bolinger, Felice Cosentino,...

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These 4 mistakes could hurt your workers’ compensation claim

Workers’ compensation benefits can provide a financial safety net if you suffer a workplace accident that affects your ability to resume normal work duties. However, making certain mistakes during the claims process can harm your ability to receive these benefits. Your claim for benefits may be unsuccessful or considerably delayed...

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A Number Of Bills To Protect Workers Are Gaining Traction In Pennsylvania

Workers across the nation have many rights. Some of these rights include protection from an unsafe work environment. This would mean that workers are protected from discriminatory actions or harassment. Workers are also protected from retaliation from an employer if a worker blew the whistle on unethical or unsafe actions....

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$78 Million Grant Will Help Fix One Of The Most Dangerous Roads In Pennsylvania

Although crashes can occur anywhere, some streets experience far more collisions than others. Researchers frequently evaluate where collisions occur and also how severe each crash is to determine the best ways to promote improved public safety. Sometimes, making changes to the design of an intersection or on-ramp for a highway...

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Are Workplace Deaths on the Rise in South Central Pennsylvania?

Whenever workplace fatalities experience an increase, it’s a cause for concern. However, a recent report from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is giving more pause than usual – largely because the numbers paint a grim picture. According to the government’s report, fatalities that can be tied back...

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4 hidden reasons why workers’ compensation is important

Workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits to employees who’ve been injured or developed an illness on the job. Workers’ compensation may provide employees with wage loss benefits, medical care, legal fees and death benefits. Many employees have applied for workers’ compensation after experiencing a slip-and-fall, toxin exposure, carpal tunnel, car accident...

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DCB Announces 3 attorneys certified as specialists in the practice of Workers’ Compensation Law

DCB is once again proud to announce that Attorneys Brad Bolinger, Tony Cosentino and Krystal MacIntyre have been certified as specialists in the practice of Workers’ Compensation Law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. DCB is the only Franklin...

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Can a sleep apnea diagnosis signal a driving risk?

Safety experts, law enforcement and insurance carriers caution drivers to stay attentive behind the wheel. Through television commercials, safety campaigns and informational pamphlets, these organizations often link risky behaviors to driving challenges. From distracted driving to impaired driving, motorists are aware of the dangers they face on the roads. Unfortunately,...

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Electrocution and other shock injuries in the workplace

Employees in occupations nationwide face hazards that could cause serious injuries and lasting conditions based on the work environment and job tasks. There are numerous occupations, however, where workers are more at-risk for catastrophic injuries or fatal accidents involving electricity. Electrical shocks, shock injuries and electrocution can result in serious...

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3 scenarios that could lead to workplace crush injuries

Workers in many occupations face serious, life-changing injuries on nearly every shift. From those working with heavy industrial equipment to those working on large-scale construction projects, some workers could suffer devastating accidents at nearly every turn. One type of injury that often requires surgery, a lengthy hospital stay and extensive...

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Shocking alcohol-related crash statistics for Pennsylvania drivers

Pennsylvania drivers must navigate treacherous roads every time they get behind the wheel. Whether it is concerns centered on rapidly changing weather conditions or the threat of inexperienced drivers, city streets and highways alike can quickly become hazardous environments. Unfortunately, these dangers seem to magnify when drivers decide to attempt...

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What role does third-party liability play in a manufacturing accident?

Many individuals mistakenly think that work injuries only happen in the most physically challenging occupations such as construction work, mining and first responders. Unfortunately, nearly any shift in almost any occupation carries the risk of injury whether it is toxic exposure, repetitive stress or slip-and-falls. Additionally, it is not uncommon...

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Are elderly drivers more vulnerable during the winter months?

Drivers throughout Pennsylvania often struggle with terrible road conditions during the winter months. Ice and snow can create slick surfaces and strong winds can lead to white-out conditions. Younger, less experienced drivers have historically been considered more at risk in these hazardous conditions. Recently, however, many organizations warn elderly drivers...

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Workers face serious cold-weather injuries

Many people equate workers’ compensation claims with single-accident injuries or exposure to toxic materials. Any weather-related matters are typically tied to concerns about heat exhaustion or working during the summer months. With the coldest months of the year fast approaching, workers must remember that frigid conditions in Pennsylvania can mean...

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Workers’ compensation claims and employer interference

Workplace injuries can come in many forms. From a painful accident and repetitive stress to toxic exposure and job-related illnesses, employees have the option to file a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation benefits exist to help injured employees avoid financial peril while healing. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for employers...

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Driving under the influence of . . . caffeine?

Historically, people have equated driving impairment with drugs or alcohol. In recent years, the devastating side effects of prescriptions or strong over-the-counter medications have come to light. Unfortunately, there are other substances that might seem innocuous, but, when taken in large doses, can negatively impact a driver’s perceptions and cognitive...

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3 tips for stepladder safety

Whether it is a construction project or a home renovation, people rely on ladders as a quick and easy tool to extend their reach. From painting up high to cleaning gutters of falling leaves, ladders are ubiquitous in homes, apartments and worksites throughout Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, many individuals, professionals and casual...

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Do a vehicle’s safety features ever put a driver in harm’s way?

As manufacturers edge closer to developing the fully autonomous vehicle, they continue to unveil safety features designed to keep car and truck occupants protected from roadway collisions. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are commonplace in newer vehicles, and designers make improvements continuously. Have these safety features made our highways and...

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3 DCB Attorneys Recognized by NADC

Trial attorneys Philip Cosentino, Bradley Bolinger and Anthony Cosentino have been once again recognized as members of the National Association of Distinguished Counsel (NADC) for 2021. This is a prestigious honor from an organization that dedicates itself to recognizing and promoting legal excellence. The NADC uses an objective process to...

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3 reasons why water floaties are not as safe as life jackets

From pools and ponds to rivers and lakes, Pennsylvania families seek out water-based fun during the summer months. Unfortunately, swimming and boating can lead to serious accidents with devastating consequences. The use of the term “floatation devices,” or “floaties” for short, generally implies some sort of warning geared toward water...

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Exposure to radiation in the workplace

Workers must be cognizant of the dangers they face on every shift. From single-accident injuries and repetitive stress damage to exposure to toxic and harmful chemicals, workers in various industries can suffer debilitating injuries and life-threatening conditions based on numerous workplace factors. Employees in several fields are in “at-risk” occupations....

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How can construction workers stay safe in a highway zone?

While workers in countless industries face danger every day, construction work remains near the top of every at-risk category for worker safety. Whether it is falling from height, exposure to toxic materials or crush injuries, construction workers risk suffering catastrophic injuries on nearly every shift. Unfortunately, the risk for injuries...

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Alcohol-related crash fatalities on Pennsylvania roads

Motor vehicle accidents can be caused by nearly innumerable factors. Whether through environmental factors, driver negligence factors or product liability factors, serious collisions can lead to devastating injuries. Unfortunately, a significant number of crashes are caused each year by drivers who choose to get behind the wheel while their abilities...

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will automation increase or decrease worker safety?

Workers in numerous industries face devastating injuries on nearly every shift. From mining to construction to manufacturing, workers face daily hazards that could leave them facing a lifetime of pain and rehabilitation. Fortunately, many industries have found ways to utilize automation and sophisticated artificial intelligence to reduce dangerous environments. However,...

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How to survive a tire blowout

We have talked at length about dangerous, faulty or hazardous products that might ultimately injure consumers. Additionally, we have discussed the countless factors that can lead to a serious motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately, when a necessary safety feature of the vehicle fails, it can result in both types of personal...

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Can an HUD cause more distractions than it removes?

News reports and other media outlets often highlight the benefits of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). These safety systems such as lane-keeping assist and collision detection are features that work in conjunction with safe driving habits to help drivers reduce distractions and avoid devastating crashes. Unfortunately, some systems can ultimately...

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You should absolutely file a workers’ compensation claim after an injury

Workplace injuries are common throughout the United States in all occupations. From a car accident while on the clock to a slip-and-fall on a wet floor in the warehouse, workers can get injured in countless situations. Fortunately, federal benefits exist to ensure employees don’t get overwhelmed by medical debt and...

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Do I have to go to the doctor my employer tells me to?

Workplace injuries can leave employees fighting to survive while returning to a state of pre-accident health. Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits exist to help secure their finances while recovering. In Pennsylvania, however, employees tend to be at the mercy of the physicians list provided by their workplace. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation...

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4 hazards that could lead to devastating scaffolding accidents

Nearly every shift on a construction site carries the danger of serious accidents and debilitating injuries. From faulty power tools and the lack of personal protective equipment to ladder falls and crush incidents, construction workers face the threat of bodily harm at every turn. Unfortunately, while ladders and scaffold structures...

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Can a social media post damage your workers’ compensation claim?

Nearly everyone with the technological capacity uses some form of social media. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn can be used to keep in touch with former co-workers, discuss life events with friends or seek new employment opportunities. Many people essentially live their lives online, however,...

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What can cause a tire blowout?

A significant number of motor vehicle accidents can be attributed to driver errors like distractions, speeding, reckless driving, or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Additionally, many collisions are caused by mechanical failures. In the past, media attention has been given to brake failure, electronic glitches, sudden...

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Pennsylvania crosswalk accidents

Pedestrian safety is a priority throughout the United States. With the proliferation of young drivers, distracted drivers and drunk drivers, even crosswalks are increasingly dangerous for pedestrians. In recent years, however, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has adopted many methods to improve pedestrian safety. One of their priorities is...

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7 tips for ladder safety in the workplace

Construction workers and contractors throughout Pennsylvania rely on the use of portable ladders to work on the numerous height levels of a project. Unfortunately, failure to follow proper safety protocols can lead to serious accidents with catastrophic results. OSHA provides numerous tips regarding ladder safety. Here are seven safety recommendations...

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Workers’ compensation is more complex than a single injury

Unless you work in an obviously dangerous occupation such as construction, industrial or as a first responder you probably don’t consider the likelihood of getting hurt on the job. In reality, though, work injuries can result from countless scenarios. Individuals typically will automatically equate workers’ compensation with a single devastating...

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Beware: Opioids might replace one type of pain with another

Opioids have become an epidemic nationwide, affecting the lives of thousands of injured workers and their families. The Workers’ Compensation Research Institute looked at opioid use in 21 states. They found that Pennsylvania and New York had the most injured workers who were prescribed opioids and then became long-term users. It is when short-term...

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New questions about vaping safety as users get sick

Vaping pens and e-cigarettes have obvious appeal. They’re sleek, compact and they have fewer associated risks than cigarettes. However, lower risk doesn’t mean risk-free. Mysterious vaping-related illness have started cropping up throughout the country, which has intensified questions many people were already asking: Are users safe? After an injury, are...

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Mind your step to avoid hospital and courtroom visits this winter

Slips, trips and falls happen throughout the year. However, chances of slip-and-fall accidents are significantly higher as New Year approaches. Snow and ice are your biggest enemies when you visit Pennsylvania shopping centers, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, apartment buildings or office complexes. Although property owners must make reasonable efforts to prevent...

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Machinery maintenance, installation and repair can be dangerous

There are many dangerous occupations in the United States. Everyone knows that construction, firefighting and similar jobs can be dangerous. But one occupation that gets a little less press for its dangers is installation and maintenance work on industrial machines and heating and cooling systems. While these industries are doing...

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What are MSDs and how can ergonomics prevent them?

Regardless of your occupation, your employer must provide a workplace free of recognized hazards. Some known risks such as those that cause musculoskeletal disorders exist in almost all workplaces. High MSD-risk industries in Pennsylvania include construction, firefighting, health care, food processing, office jobs, warehousing, transportation and others. Exposure to known...

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How to avoid falling, flying, swinging or rolling objects on site

Although an endless list of hazards exists in the construction industry, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a group of four to which they refer to as the Construction Focus Four. If you are a construction worker in Pennsylvania, you might already know that falls, caught-in-between, electrocution and struck-by...

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Wrongful death: Who can file and what damages can be claimed?

When a loved one dies unexpectedly due to fatal injuries suffered in an accident, there can be significant financial consequences along with the emotional impact this has. Such tragedies can follow pedestrian, motorcycle, car or truck accidents. However, dangerous premises or unsafe consumer products can also cause unanticipated deaths. Negligence...

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Hairdressers have their own dangers to deal with at work

Do you think about construction workers, industrial workers and other obviously dangerous jobs when you think of work-related injuries? Most people do. After all, these are high-risk occupations in which workers face constant, numerous and persistent hazards as they carry out their daily duties. Nevertheless, other occupations also have dangers...

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5 most frequently cited causes of occupational injuries

A multitude of people in Pennsylvania and other states suffer workplace injuries or illnesses every year. Fortunately, employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance that helps injured workers cope with the financial consequences of occupational injuries and diseases. This is a no-fault system, meaning that you will be eligible for compensation...

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Traumatic brain injuries are prevalent in many occupations

How safe is your workplace? Safe work environments are an often-unrecognized contributor to the bottom line, but many Pennsylvania employers fail to prioritize employee health and safety. For this reason, you might be responsible for keeping a lookout for hazards that could cause you life-changing injuries or worse. Did you...

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How much power should the American Medical Association have in workers’ compensation law?

Most people never think much about how the workers’ compensation determinations are guided. What standards are doctors and worker’s compensation insurance providers supposed to use when making health-care recommendations or benefits determinations? In Pennsylvania, the law states that the most recent edition of the American Medical Association (AMA) guidelines are...

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OSHA continues to improve workplace safety

Workplace safety is always an important issue, with serious, often life-threatening injuries being a regular occurrence in this country’s factories, construction sites and other workplaces. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has played a significant role in making America’s workplaces safer for many years. OSHA’s...

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Should the federal government have more oversight in state workers’ compensation laws?

Few people who work for a living believe that the workers’ compensation program provides enough benefits. Yet year after year, many states are reducing the compensation available to injured workers and making the process increasingly difficult. However, the federal government might be stepping in to help make sure injured workers...

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Drunk driving accident victims deserve justice and compensation

Anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car knows, or at least should know, about the dangers of drunk driving. However, drunk driving accidents are frequent in Florida. Especially during the spring and summer seasons, when more young people are out celebrating their school breaks, the likelihood of being...

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Preventing motor vehicle accidents caused by teen drivers

Pennsylvania readers likely know that teen drivers are inexperienced, immature and often unable to effectively handle the sudden hazards that can present themselves to drivers. Considering this, parents should be overly concerned with how their kids drive, teaching them important safety measures and educating them on how to prevent motor vehicle accidents....

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New regulations may prevent workplace injuries for firefighters

Fire fighters and other emergency workers face risks to their health and safety every day. In order to prevent unnecessary harm, employers must take steps to prevent workplace injuries to those employed in emergency services. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has recently proposed measures that could drastically change job requirements...

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On-the-job injuries lead to OSHA citations for landscape company

A Pennsylvania landscaping company is facing citations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration after two workers were injured. The on-the-job injuries occurred last summer, and the fines were levied against the company after an OSHA investigation into both incidents. The accidents underscore the importance of safety measures for those who are employed...

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Will working jeopardize my Social Security Disability benefits?

Many people across Pennsylvania work hard for years — often decades — before they ever feel a disability-related need to call upon assistance for necessary living expenses. And that need is almost without exception dire. Moreover, and notwithstanding the argument of some Social Security Disability critics that the program is...

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Workers’ compensation death benefits after fatal accident

A Pennsylvania construction company has been fined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for an accident that claimed the life of one worker. Susquehanna Supply Company Inc., a bridge construction company, was fined by OSHA for violations that are considered to be willful and which contributed to a trench collapse. The deceased was...

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6 people suffer accident injuries in multiple vehicle crash

A car accident involving multiple vehicles has left six people with injuries, including a Pennsylvania law enforcement officer. The accident occurred along Lincoln Drive in Philadelphia, leaving two victims trapped inside the wreckage. Six victims were taken to the hospital for treatment for their accident injuries.  According to witness accounts, the...

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Workers’ compensation for hand-arm vibration syndrome

Pennsylvania workers who suffer an injury in a work accident or become ill due to work conditions are entitled to certain benefits. These workers’ compensation benefits are also available to workers who suffer repetitive stress injuries. A commonly overlooked work injury is called hand-arm vibration syndrome. This illness is typically seen in...

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claiming rightful benefits for workplace injuries

Pennsylvania workers are typically entitled to certain benefits after a workplace accident, but it can be hard to understand what those benefits include. Despite the complexity of the workers’ compensation system, victims have the right to know about their rightful entitlements and the legal options available. After suffering workplace injuries of...

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Secure the benefits you need with the help of an SSDI lawyer

Pennsylvania readers who have sought Social Security benefits know how difficult it is to obtain what is needed and deserved. In order to secure Social Security Disability benefits, the applicant must prove that he or she is suffering from a legitimate physical or mental disability. The SSDI system is complex, and...

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Safety violations common source of many workplace injuries

Pennsylvania workers know that proper training and the use of safety equipment are two of the main ways to avoid workplace accidents. Another key to workplace safety is preventing safety violations, a responsibility that lies with managers, employers and supervisors. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released a list...

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More employers work to prevent on-the-job injuries

It is thought that complacency is one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and job-related deaths. In order to increase safety and prevent more on-the-job injuries, Pennsylvania employers are striving to protect workers. Through more vigilance and an increased focus on safety and employee training, employers hope to decrease the number...

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What to do when Social Security Disability benefits are denied

Some Pennsylvania residents file benefits claims surrounding issues that involve a physical or mental disability. Those who have had Social Security Disability benefits denied might be confused as to where to turn for help in such circumstances. It is possible that seeking consultation with an experienced legal professional in the...

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Furniture company accountable for worker’s on-the-job injuries

Pennsylvania residents who work in a manufacturing facility know that such a job can be rife with certain risks and hazards. However, every employee has the right to the safest work environment possible. Employers must strive to do everything possible to prevent on-the-job injuries by supplying safety equipment and appropriate training for...

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Workers’ compensation for workers exposed to dangerous substances

Pennsylvania workers know that in construction and industrial fields, workers may occasionally be exposed to dangerous substances. One particularly hazardous material is silica, which can lead to cancer and death for workers who breathe in the particles. Those who have contracted illnesses because of on-the-job exposure to this and other dangerous...

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A coffee cup, a parrot and a guardrail

In recent years, concerns over cellphone use and texting have become prominent, as insurance companies, police and politicians have become worried over Americas love affair with portable electronic devices. Cellphone, and more worryingly, smartphones provide for a special distraction that is problematic. Because they are more accurately small computers, their...

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Scaffolding: a construction necessity, workplace safety risk pt2

In our prior post, we discussed a workplace accident that could have implications for many of our readers here in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. The accident involved a scaffolding collapse that took the lives of three men and left another severely injured. With the current economic climate, researchers with the Winston-Salem Journal...

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an ambitious goal

Traffic fatalities cost the U.S. a great deal. There are the accidents themselves, which kill and injure motorists, resulting in costs as varied as the repair costs to sections of highway infrastructure damaged in the crashes, to the loss of income to a family from a husband or wife death....

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Is hands-free any safer?

You’ve seen them driving through Chambersburg, on side streets and on I-81 heading towards Harrisburg. You may notice them when you are sitting at a stop light. The light changes and you wait. And wait. And finally, the head looks up and the car lurches forwards. Maybe on the interstate,...

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Practice make perfect

Athletes understand practice. No matter the sport, there are very few elite athletes, whether football players, figure skaters, soccer players, downhill skiers or NASCAR drivers who do not know the tedium of hours and hours honing their craft. When a professional golfer hits a 300-yard tee shot that lands within...

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Evidence after a crash

Car accidents often are not accidents. They really are mostly negligence. Sometimes the negligence is the driver’s fault. They could be drunk. Or sleepy. Or texting on their phone. Or driving too fast on a snowy and icy road. But they are not doing what someone driving three- to six-thousand...

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Do as I say…

Driving is one of those fascinating examples of human nature, where even though a motorist may be reasonably well acquainted with the risks of certain behavior, many of them still engage in just such behavior. The AAA Foundation surveys American drivers every year to obtain a snapshot of their views...

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Car crash leaves a piece of vehicle in man’s arm for 51 years

Car accidents can lead to devastating outcomes, often leaving motorists with severe and life-long injuries. Seemingly minor crashes can still cause chronic pain from neck and other soft-tissue damage, while severe collisions can result in traumatic brain injuries and other serious injuries that may leave victims permanently disabled. Great advancements...

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They rarely are accidents

One of the reasons we refer to collisions between motor vehicles as motor vehicle accidents is the element of random chance as to the participants. While there are some cases, such as those involving alcohol and resulting in charges of criminal vehicular homicide, few drivers intend harm when they set...

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Headed for a fall

With the beginning of October, a chill in the air returns to Pennsylvania. The days grow shorter, and the number of risks that drivers face increase. As you drive in and around Chambersburg, you need to remember that the long days of summer, with dry payment and ample daylight are...

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Sleeping through a car accident

The dangers of drunk driving have been well understood for a long time. Organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have worked for decades to raise awareness to the problem and state laws punishing use of alcohol by drivers have been considerably strengthened during that time. However, drunk driving is...

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Speed still kills

At one time, there was a highway safety awareness campaign that used the simple, two-word slogan, “Speed Kills,” as its centerpiece. From a marketing perspective, it was to the point, and clear, with no equivocation. It was not “Speed kills if you’re not paying attention.” It was not “Speed kills...

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alliance formed to address safety issues of women in construction

Female construction workers face a lot of completely avoidable and unnecessary  risks on jobsites here in Pennsylvania. Most construction tools, training, gear and safety protocols are designed for the use of men only. Most safety equipment is even designed and manufactured for use by male construction workers only, meaning that the equipment...

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