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Blog Posts - Personal injury

3 tips for stepladder safety

Whether it is a construction project or a home renovation, people rely on ladders as a quick and easy tool to extend their reach. From painting up high to cleaning gutters of falling leaves, ladders are ubiquitous in homes, apartments and worksites throughout Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, many individuals, professionals and casual...

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3 reasons why water floaties are not as safe as life jackets

From pools and ponds to rivers and lakes, Pennsylvania families seek out water-based fun during the summer months. Unfortunately, swimming and boating can lead to serious accidents with devastating consequences. The use of the term “floatation devices,” or “floaties” for short, generally implies some sort of warning geared toward water...

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Pennsylvania crosswalk accidents

Pedestrian safety is a priority throughout the United States. With the proliferation of young drivers, distracted drivers and drunk drivers, even crosswalks are increasingly dangerous for pedestrians. In recent years, however, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has adopted many methods to improve pedestrian safety. One of their priorities is...

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Mind your step to avoid hospital and courtroom visits this winter

Slips, trips and falls happen throughout the year. However, chances of slip-and-fall accidents are significantly higher as New Year approaches. Snow and ice are your biggest enemies when you visit Pennsylvania shopping centers, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, apartment buildings or office complexes. Although property owners must make reasonable efforts to prevent...

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