Blog Posts - Truck accidents
Truck accidents in PA are increasing in severity and frequency
Truck accidents are becoming a growing concern in Pennsylvania, with both the frequency and severity of crashes on the rise. These accidents often lead to devastating injuries and fatalities, leaving those injured and their families to face significant emotional and financial burdens. Understanding why this trend is occurring is important...
Read MoreThe complexities of determining liability in trucking accidents
Trucking accidents often result in severe damage, making it crucial to determine who is responsible. Unlike typical car accidents, the process of assigning liability in trucking accidents involves multiple parties, each of whom may share some fault. Understanding the intricacies of liability can help injured parties pursue the compensation they...
Read MoreWho pays for the losses caused by a semi-truck crash?
When a semi-truck collides with a passenger vehicle, the consequences can be extreme. The smaller vehicle may become unsafe to drive, and the occupants of that vehicle could sustain significant injuries. Oftentimes, such crashes are the fault of the bigger vehicle, as semi-trucks are much harder to operate safely than...
Read MoreSelf-driving trucks will make the roads safer – eventually
There seem to be new technological innovations every week. From cell phones to smart homes to computers, advances are made in nearly every industry on a daily basis. Many drivers dream of self-driving vehicles to ease the tension of a daily commute. This is doubly so for long-haul truckers who...
Read MoreWhy experienced guidance after a truck accident is important
Large trucks and semitrailers are responsible for delivering products across the country, and they play a significant role in the American economy. Trucks are important, but they are significantly heavier and larger than other types of vehicles on the road. When trucks are in accidents with passenger vehicles, it can result in...
Read MoreTruckers have tons of reasons not to get distracted on the road
Driving a semitrailer requires a special license because these mammoth vehicles require special driving skills in order to operate them safely. Their size makes them imposing enough on the road, but when coupled with the number of tons just one 18-wheeler weighs, maneuvering, stopping and otherwise evading disaster becomes a...
Read MoreDid you survive a Pennsylvania truck accident?
If you frequently travel through Bedford, Philadelphia or Chambersburg, you understand what it’s like to navigate busy, often chaotic roadways. Along with drunk drivers, one of the greatest menaces on the road is a negligent tractor-trailer driver. There’s simply no way of knowing when one of these massive vehicles is...
Read MoreInjured in a truck accident? Fatigued driving may be to blame.
Much of the American economy depends on the transportation of goods across the country, and truckers play a large role in making this happen. These individuals have important and valuable jobs, but the urgency associated with timely and expedited delivery may lead to unsafe practices. Despite the passage of laws...
Read MoreThe end of rear end truck accidents?
Truck accidents often result in very serious injuries for the truck drivers and for the other vehicle drivers, and rear-end collisions occur more frequently than most other types of trucking accident. What if there was a way to eliminate truck accidents completely? That is the question asked by global truck...
Read MoreYou are the most important factor in your personal injury case
Of course, working with a skilled, experienced lawyer is critical to success in a motor vehicle accident, medical malpractice or other personal injury claim. And yes, it is important to gather all of the detailed information you can to bolster your case. But the most important factor in a personal...
Read MoreDrunk driving accident victims deserve justice and compensation
Anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car knows, or at least should know, about the dangers of drunk driving. However, drunk driving accidents are frequent in Florida. Especially during the spring and summer seasons, when more young people are out celebrating their school breaks, the likelihood of being...
Read MoreProtecting victim rights after truck accidents
Semi trucks play an important role in the nation’s economy, but these large vehicles can pose a danger to innocent motorists. Truck drivers have a special responsibility to drive safely and remain vigilant behind the wheel, but these drivers are often too tired to drive safely and/or ate trans;porting unbalanced loads...
Read MorePoor truck maintenance may have caused accident
A Pennsylvania couple has filed a lawsuit against a company, claiming that negligence led to physical suffering. The principal claimant states that he suffered serious injuries in an accident that occurred while driving a truck to deliver groceries for C and S Wholesale Grocers. The lawsuit includes claims that poor truck maintenance...
Read MoreWhat are the options for victims of truck accidents?
The large steel frame of a semi truck can cause serious harm to a smaller vehicle. The damage from truck accidents is often quite catastrophic, frequently inflicting harm on innocent drivers and passengers. When Pennsylvania residents believe that they or loved ones needlessly suffered because of the actions or negligence...
Read MoreTruck accident kills truck driver
We often note that when truck accidents occur, the driver of a passenger vehicle is likely to receive the worst of the crash. The size differential of a large truck is such that it often causes terrible damage to a car, pickup or SUV, while emerging with comparatively little damage....
Read MoreTruck tire blowouts tied to excessive truck speed
You may think that the greatest limit on the speed of your vehicle is the power produced by the engine. You know that the faster velocity, the more horsepower you need to overcome resistance from the air and the weight of your car or truck. But there is another limit,...
Read MoreYou don’t expect a truck tire to fall off, but they do
When it comes to car accidents, you just never know what may come flying at you. Literally. We all, of course, have to remain alert and aware of the actions of other drivers on the road. The obvious dangers posed by drunk or drowsy drivers, or those distracted by some...
Read MoreAre the trucking improvements as great as the ATA suggests?
The trucking industry has an interest in truck safety. After all, if a company’s trucks are involved in numerous crashes, it is likely that their insurance company will place them in a high-risk premium bracket and their negligence will cost them beyond any costs directly associated with a truck accident....
Read Moreanother sleepy truck driver causes fatal crash
Driving is a multifaceted activity. You have to understand the functioning of your vehicle, and all of its controls. Then, while you are driving, you have to keep track of all that goes on around your vehicle. You have to watch the speed limit, traffic lights, other drivers and weather...
Read MoreWhen a distracted driver is a distracted truck driver
When we think about distracted drivers around Chambersburg, our first thought may be of a teen driver. Teens have grown up never knowing a world without cellphones and texts. They rarely make voice calls and much prefer texting in most situations. And because they carry their smartphones with them 24/7,...
Read MoreTrucking accident–the price we pay, part 2
Truck driver fatigue is a genuine problem. As the economy recovers and more goods are being shipped across America’s highways, there are more trucks needed to move those goods. And more trucks mean more drivers. But the skills needed to drive a large semi-truck are not developed instantly, and a...
Read MoreTrucking accidents–the price we pay
Much of what we buy in stores or order online for delivery to our homes is shipped via truck. In addition to consumer goods, virtually every item imaginable from cows and turkeys to aircraft engines and bridge girders 100 feet in length travel the nation’s highways on trucks. All of...
Read MoreTruck tire bounces and kills Pennsylvania driver
Things with lots of moving parts are complex to maintain. And a large semi-truck has a lot of moving parts. From the engine and the drive train, made up of hundreds of intricate parts, to springs in the driver’s seat, there are thousands of parts of a modern truck. Most...
Read Morealmost half of safety violations are hours of service related
To prevent truck accidents and save lives, truck drivers and trucking companies are subject to a large body of regulations. In the last few years, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the federal agency responsible for trucking safety and a private organization with similar goals, the Commercial Vehicle Safety...
Read MoreWith little notice, truck accidents begin increasing
There are few more frightening images than that of sitting in traffic that has come to a complete halt on an interstate highway, and seeing a semi truck rapidly approaching in the rearview mirror. This horrifying scenario plays out all too frequently on the nation’s highways and this and other...
Read MoreThe people who notice truck accidents
Ten people, every day. That’s how many people die every day in truck crashes. Except in cases like last week’s truck accident involving Tracy Morgan, we rarely even hear about these crashes. Maybe, if the truck burns in a spectacular fire, it may make the evening news with a 10-second...
Read MoreFormer SNL star Tracy Morgan injured in truck crash
The deadly truck accident that occurred Saturday is eerily similar to a crash we discussed a few weeks ago on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. In that truck accident, a driver crashed into stopped traffic and caused a car to catch fire and two people died. Saturday night, a truck driver on...
Read MoreTruck crash closes I-81 outside Chambersburg for hours
When you are driving along the highway near Chambersburg, say U.S.30 or I-81, and you are traveling next to a semi truck, you may not even give it a second thought. After all, when driving those roads for any distance, you would likely see dozens, if not hundreds of tractor-trailers....
Read MoreFiery truck accident on Pennsylvania interstate leaves three dead
Few accidents are more frightening to the average driver than those that occur during a traffic slow down on an interstate highway. Many things can cause a car or truck accident, but those involving significant speed differentials between vehicles or structures can be the deadliest. The combined approach speed is...
Read MoreSerious truck accident results in two fatalities
The size disparity between commercial trucks and other vehicles on the roadway is rather large. As a result, truck accidents can be especially devastating for the vehicle the truck collides with, while the truck driver may walk away unscathed. This is even more true for pedestrians. Because of this great...
Read MoreCement truck hits bus, injures 10 in Pennsylvania
All motorists should take care on the road not only to protect themselves, but to keep others safe as well. Truckers especially should exercise extreme caution when driving as the massive size of their vehicles can cause devastating wrecks that damage property and severe injuries that cripple individuals. Those who...
Read MoreTruck hits bus, leaving several injured in Pennsylvania
While Pennsylvania remains in winter’s grip, drivers must take precautions to ensure their safety as well as the safety of those around them. Drivers of large vehicles, including semi-trucks, must be aware of their inability to stop quickly on slick roads, and should therefore drive slowly to avoid negligence and...
Read MorePennsylvania woman injured when vehicle hit by salt truck
This winter has been brutal, complete with frigid temperatures and excessive amounts of snow. When roads get nasty, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation seeks to quickly clear them. Pennsylvanians appreciate the hard work these individuals put in, but the increased presence of salt trucks can pose dangers to other motorists....
Read MoreSemi truck accident near Pennsylvania toll booth kills 1
A tractor-trailer crushed a car at an eastern Pennsylvania toll booth so completely that it was not apparent at first that there even was a second vehicle. But there was, and a person inside was killed in this truck accident. The crash took place near a toll plaza on the...
Read MoreTruck driver hauling fuel said to be speeding at time of accident
A truck accident that occurred in Pennsylvania was blamed upon the speed being driven by the truck driver. According to a state trooper, an accident reconstruction demonstrated that the driver was traveling at 48 to 50 miles per hour at the time of the accident, and the designated speed limit...
Read MorePolice say big rig driver was drunk during Guilford hit-and-run
Last week, we wrote that hit-and-runs are on the rise in many U.S. cities. This week, another hit-and-run collision is in the news here in the Chambersburg area. Police have reported that on Tuesday a tractor-trailer that was headed north crashed into a vehicle that was stopped on the berm...
Read MoreWhy truck drivers choose to drink and use drugs behind the wheel
Collisions involving large trucks have the potential to result in numerous fatalities, and as a result of this risk the trucking industry is regulated by both federal agencies and the state of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, many trucking companies neglect to abide by regulations, as do individual truck drivers. The consequences for...
Read MoreCourt of Appeals upholds regulations for truck drivers
Pennsylvania truck drivers may be interested to learn that regulations introduced by the U.S. Transportation Department were upheld by a three-judge panel in a federal appeals court. The regulations, which hope to combat driver fatigue, state that truck drivers can only drive for 11 hours each day and require that...
Read Moreaccident involving truck and bus injures children
Due to their size and, often, their weight when carrying cargo, accidents involving trucks may cause a considerable amount of damage to other vehicles and injuries to the occupants of those other vehicles. A truck recently rear-ended a school bus in Hazle Township. The bus then crashed into another vehicle....
Read MorePennsylvania man dies in loading dock as result of truck accident
A Sharon, Pennsylvania resident was killed when he was crushed to death between two separate trucks. The accident occurred at a loading dock while the deceased man was closing the door of his truck. The driver of the other truck at the same time reportedly shifted gears on the truck,...
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