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Fight for Social Security benefits to which you are entitled

After the diagnosis of a serious illness or a serious accident that leaves you injured, you may be unable to return to work and perform your duties as you did before. When these circumstances arise, Pennsylvania residents will probably be concerned about their future financial well-being and how to cover the costs of additional medical needs. Those who are unable to work because of a mental or physical condition could be eligible for Social Security benefits.

If you paid into the Social Security system over the course of your career, you could be eligible to receive certain benefits. If you are unable to work for at least a year or have been told by medical professionals that you will not be able to return to work, we can help you fight for your deserved benefits. The Social Security system is complex and, unfortunately, many claims are initially denied. 

When a claim is denied, it can be a serious setback for you and your family. However, you are not out of options. We can help you file an appeal, gather needed documentation and take the time to explain all possible outcomes to you. You have a higher chance of getting the financial support you deserve when a qualified lawyer is working on your behalf. 

Whether your claim has been denied one or multiple times, do not give up hope. Many Pennsylvania residents are unaware of their right to appeal a denied claim and the right to seek legal assistance for all Social Security benefits matters. Instead of navigating the complicated system on your own, contact our team to get the information you need to make informed decisions.