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What to do when Social Security Disability benefits are denied

Some Pennsylvania residents file benefits claims surrounding issues that involve a physical or mental disability. Those who have had Social Security Disability benefits denied might be confused as to where to turn for help in such circumstances. It is possible that seeking consultation with an experienced legal professional in the area would provide information and guidance needed.

DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bolinger, P.C. are available in the Chambersburg area to assist clients who have run into trouble when filing a claim for benefits after suffering a physical or mental disability. We have been effectively serving clients in Pennsylvania for more than 30 years. Suffering severe injury or illness that prevents you from returning to the workplace can cause a serious setback in your personal and professional life. If you will be out of work for more than a year and physicians do not expect you to recover, you are typically entitled to receive Social Security Disability benefits if you have paid into the system.

The sooner you are able to receive disability insurance benefits, the better. If you initial application has been denied, we can help you through the process of an appeal. We are prepared to enlist the testimony of doctors who can verify your disability.

DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bolinger can inform you of all available options, in addition to eligibility requirements and other timelines and expectations in your case. You can call our Pennsylvania office to schedule a free consultation. It is the first logical step in working toward obtaining the Social Security Disability benefits to which you might be entitled.