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Living with a brain injury after a car accident

When a person has sustained a brain injury as the result of a car crash, it can change his or her life forever. Even a minor injury can have a lasting impact on a person, leaving a family with medical bills and other effects long after the car accident. These victims and families could be eligible for financial compensation in order to recover their financial losses and cover long-term expenses.

A brain injury can affect the personality of a Pennsylvania victim, often changing the way a person will react, think and talk. The most severe brain injuries can leave a victim unable to eat, change clothes or walk without rehabilitation and assistance. Even seemingly minor brain injuries, such as concussions, can result in weeks of confusion, headaches and other cognitive difficulties.

It is estimated that over 14 percent of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are suffered as a result of car accidents. When drivers are careless, distracted or reckless, innocent people can be left with a TBI that will rob them of their ability to work, to care for their children or to enjoy the same quality of life as before. These injuries can be costly to treat, as medical treatment is often required on a long-term basis, and victims may need constant assistance.

The brain is a complex organ, and every person with a TBI will face a unique set of circumstances. Car accident victims and families who have suffered because of the actions of another person may seek compensation for damages, including medical bills, loss of income and long-term care. A Pennsylvania attorney can determine what legal steps are appropriate for the individual situation.

Source:, “Living with Brain Injury”, Accessed on Nov. 19, 2015