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Safety hazards to look out for in an auto body workshop

Employees in the auto body industry in Pennsylvania face a variety of health and safety hazards whenever they are in the workshops. If you are an auto mechanic, some of the dangers you will encounter include contact with toxic chemical substances, mechanical equipment that can cause amputation injuries and slip-and-fall hazards that can result in traumatic brain injuries.

Your employer is responsible for your safety and health, and he or she must provide a safe workplace environment. Furthermore, it is the employer’s task to inform you about all the dangerous situations you may encounter and to provide safety training to teach you how to prevent on-the-job injuries.

Potential health and safety risks

Once you are aware of the potential health and safety risks, it will mainly be up to you to protect yourself. By keeping your work environment clean and complying with safety regulations and manufacturer’s operating instructions, you might go home safely after every shift. The following hazards may threaten your safety in the auto body shop:

Workers’ compensation

Despite compliance with all safety regulations, a workplace accident can still occur. You may find comfort in knowing that the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system aims to assist injured workers by paying for medical expenses and lost income if injuries cause temporary disability. Further assistance is available from an attorney with experience in the navigation of workers’ compensation benefits claims.