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Take charge of your safety on Pennsylvania roadways

Every time you see a wreck as you travel along Pennsylvania highways, you likely fear the day that you might be a victim of a car accident. An auto accident can happen to anybody, at any time. Even the most careful driver is vulnerable to unsafe roads or negligent drivers of other vehicles. However, there are steps that you can take to protect yourself.

If you take time to learn about some of the common accident types and understand what causes them, you will also reduce the chances of being an accident victim. Having all the information possible will allow you to establish strategies to avoid auto accidents.

Auto accident causes

While there is an endless list of things that could cause car accidents, those that happen most frequently typically involve some driver error like failure to pay attention or disregard of basic driving rules. The following are accident types that you could avoid by not making those basic errors:

These are just some of the most common accident types to add to the list that also includes drunk driving, side-impact and even collisions with animals.

What can you do to avoid accidents?

After learning as much as you can about common accidents, you can work on a strategy to avoid them. Because driver errors cause most crashes, learning more about those errors and knowing what to look out for, you can lower your chances of crashing. Taking note of the following might benefit your strategizing:

These notes might encourage you to learn more about common crash types and then expand your strategies to stay safe. However, regardless of your vigilance, you might still be involved in an accident. If that happens as the result of another party’s negligence, you might have grounds to seek recovery through the civil justice system of Pennsylvania.