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How can you stay safe while driving at night?

Daylight Saving Time ended earlier this month, which means it is getting darker sooner. Driving on Pennsylvania roads at night is the most hazardous time to drive, and you might find yourself spending more time driving at night. The National Safety Council says fatigue, shorter days, compromised night vision and various other factors increase the risk of fatal car accidents at night to three times the daytime risk.

Most drivers require time to adjust to the circumstances, and you might find that the darkness compromises your peripheral vision, color recognition and depth perception. Furthermore, oncoming vehicles’ glaring headlights might blind you temporarily.

Be alert to stay alive

Although most drivers spend only one-quarter of their driving time in the dark, safety authorities say half of all road accident deaths occur at night. You can take some precautions that might keep you safe on Pennsylvania roadways.

Basic precautions

Even with your vehicle’s headlights on high beam, you will only be able to see about 500 feet ahead, leaving you limited time to react. You can combat the hazards of darkness by taking the following steps:

Rush hour will compound dangers

Roadways are typically crowded on weekdays between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. with commuters rushing to get home. Do the following to avoid accidents during rush hour:

Do you have compromised night vision?

If you are an older driver, you might have trouble seeing well at night. The American Optometric Association recommend the following:

The dangers of fatigued driving

Fatigue causes drowsiness, and safety authorities say sleep deprivation has the same effect as alcohol impairment on drivers. The following is advice by the National Sleep Foundation:

In the event of an accident

Accidents have a way of happening when least expected. While you take all the necessary precautions to get to your destination safely, the negligence of another driver might cause a crash that sends you to the hospital. If you want to pursue financial relief to cover your medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering, you should utilize the services of an experienced Pennsylvania personal injury attorney. A lawyer can provide the necessary support and guidance throughout the legal proceedings.