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Can the increase in pedestrian fatalities be explained?

For nearly three decades, pedestrian fatalities have steadily dropped in communities throughout the United States. Unfortunately, the period from 2009 to 2018 showed a dramatic increase from 4,109 to 6,283 deaths. While some factors such as poor lighting, distracted driving and high speeds are well-documented other factors seem to be more elusive.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety sought to examine this increase by studying all motor vehicle crash data that resulted in a pedestrian death. While 24 of the 30-country coalition called the Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development showed a decrease in pedestrian fatalities over this time period, the United States experienced the largest percentage increase. Of note:

Based on the examination of the combined data, numerous factors influence the dramatic increase in pedestrian deaths over the time period from 2009 to 2018. Traffic safety falls on the shoulders of both the pedestrians and the drivers of the motor vehicles. Drivers and pedestrians alike must always avoid distractions and remain aware of their surroundings. Pedestrians will likely suffer devastating injuries in any type of vehicle collision. Serious wrecks can lead to fatality. If you were injured or lost a loved one in a pedestrian collision, contact an experienced attorney for guidance.