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Will this summer see an increase in dog bites?

Each year, warmer weather encourages Pennsylvania residents to participate in numerous outdoor activities. From yoga and Tai Chi in the park to jogging in the cool morning air, people are happy to get out of the house and breathe in the fresh air. Unfortunately, every summer, individuals face aggressive animals and struggle with the serious consequences of dog bites.

Nearly everyone – whether anecdotally or through personal experience – understands the severity of an animal bite. Depending on the size of the dog and the duration of the attack, individuals might struggle with torn flesh, broken bones or amputation. Even a small puncture wound can lead to infection, rash and tissue death. Dogs might bite people for numerous reasons, including:

Whatever the underlying reason, a dog attack can result in serious injuries including bodily damage, physical scarring, fear and other emotional turmoil.

Are there tips to stay safe?

Whether you are socializing your own dog in the park or simply strolling around your neighborhood, it is wise to carefully observe your environment and follow some tips to avoid dog bites.

If you, your child or another loved one was bitten by a dog, it is not uncommon to be confused about the legal implications of the injury. Do not hesitate to discuss your situation with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. You might be entitled to recover monetary compensation for medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering.