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3 scenarios that could lead to workplace crush injuries

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2022 | Workers' Compensation

Workers in many occupations face serious, life-changing injuries on nearly every shift. From those working with heavy industrial equipment to those working on large-scale construction projects, some workers could suffer devastating accidents at nearly every turn. One type of injury that often requires surgery, a lengthy hospital stay and extensive physical therapy is a crush injury.

Crush injuries in the workplace typically result in severe consequences. Depending on numerous factors, the injury could take years to fully heal, the injury might never truly heal or the crushed limb could require amputation. While unique, crush injuries usually occur in three types of workplace scenarios, including:

  • Industrial machinery: Heavy machinery used in the manufacturing industries often rely on moving parts to perform a task. Whether it is a punch press, an injection mold or a power shear press, workers run the risk of having a limb caught in the machinery. Unfortunately, based on the size and force of the machinery, a simple mistake can result in a life-altering injury.
  • Material collapse: From construction work and warehousing to materials handling and factory work, a collapse can result in a crushed limb. A scaffold collapse, trench collapse or pallet rack collapse might lead to crush injuries or fatality.
  • Moving equipment: Many factories and warehouses rely on moving equipment to make certain jobs easier. From robots running along an assembly line to forklifts moving material, it is not uncommon for a worker to get trapped and pinned between moving equipment and a stationary object like the wall or a steel pallet rack.

Workplace accidents typically run a broad range that can include everything from slip-and-falls to explosions. Without the proper warning signs, protective gear and safety procedures, a crush injury could be life changing. In severe situations, the crush could lead to a worker fatality.


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