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3 signs of a hidden injury after an accident

Depending on countless factors, a motor vehicle collision can result in injuries ranging from tissue strains to amputation. Serious, high-speed crashes can lead to devastating conditions that can worsen over time. It is not uncommon for many injuries to remain hidden as certain symptoms only become apparent in the days or weeks following a wreck.

Factors such as the speed of the vehicles involved, the position of the occupants within the vehicle and the angle at which the collision occurred can all impact the crash’s severity. Taking all these factors into consideration, there are still certain injuries that could remain hidden. There are signs, however, that an injury could be hidden after a serious crash, including:

No matter the perceived severity of a motor vehicle collision, it is wise to seek the guidance of an experienced medical professional. Even with seemingly minor injuries, a physician can perform numerous tests to ensure a thorough diagnosis and the correct course of treatment. Further, any time a new symptom appears, the victim must alert the doctor so they can adjust the treatment and warn the patient of a potentially worsening condition.