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Samsung recalls another exploding product this month

Samsung is having a really bad September. First, the company had to recall nearly a million of their new Galaxy Note 7 smart phones because of explosion risk, and now Samsung is recalling some washing machines for the same reason.

Class-action lawsuit

A class action lawsuit filed in August claims that the washing machines heavily vibrate while washing heavy loads enough to detach the tub forcefully with centrifugal force, causing an explosion of water and parts. The lawsuit also claims that Samsung knew about the dangers of their machines, yet didn’t let consumers know. The plaintiffs include three women from Georgia, Texas and Indiana. 

This week, a month after the lawsuit was filed, Samsung has replied to the suit’s request for a public statement about the safety concerns with 11 models of washing machines. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission released a statement on their website saying that it is cooperating with Samsung to investigate the claims about the top-loading models made between March 2011 and April 2016.

Samsung is asking owners of their washing machines to visit a link to see if their model number matches the models in question, and report any incidents consumers have experienced at

What is a product liability claim?

As we’ve written about before, a class action lawsuit begins when several or more people experience the same ill effects from the same product. When a company releases a product on the market, they are responsible for the safety – if it malfunctions and causes injury or property damage, a personal injury plaintiff can claim the following:

If you’ve been injured by a product you suspect is defective, be sure talk to a lawyer who specializes in product liability about your issue and discuss any next steps.