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Running of stop sign results in injuries to child

Failing to pay attention to traffic control signs, including stop signs, can result in car accidents. Such was the case in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, recently, when a driver making a left-hand turn ran a stop sign and was broadsided by another car. A third vehicle crashed into the passenger side of the vehicle that hit the turning car.

Not only did the accident result in property damage, but it also caused injuries, including head injuries to a 4-year-old boy who was a passenger in the vehicle that had been making the left turn. The child’s mother, who was cited for the stop sign violation,  and another passenger of that vehicle were also transported to the hospital with injuries. The driver and passenger in the vehicle that collided with the turning car were treated for minor injuries, as was the driver of the third vehicle.

Fortunately, the child in the story mentioned above was reportedly recovering and doing well after the accident. However, head injuries can be particularly difficult to recover from and sometimes require long-term rehabilitation and care. In fact, they are among the most serious injuries one can experience. Damage to the brain may not be immediately detected or can become worse over time. In addition, head injuries can cause a person’s behavior to change and can affect one’s ability to complete even simple tasks such as walking and talking.

Compensation for any injury that is a result of an accident due to a negligent driver may be sought through a personal injury claim. Damages that may be covered through such a claim include medical bills, lost time at work, compensation for treatment that would be needed in the future because of brain or other significant injuries, as well as pain and suffering.

Source:  WFMJ, “Child recovering after Mercer County car crash,” July 12, 2013