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bucks county woman killed when hit by vehicle

Yet another hit-and-run pedestrian accident has left a Pennsylvania resident dead. The accident occurred in the early morning hours in Bucks County. There, a woman in her 50s was hit by a vehicle that then left the scene. The victim was pronounced dead on the scene. As the investigation continues, police have identified and are questioning a person of interest who they say is cooperating.

Though drivers who cause a hit-and-run car accident can be held criminally liable for their acts, this does nothing for the victim’s family, which is often irreparably harmed. Surviving family members are often left with only memories of their loved one, making it difficult to celebrate family events and holidays.

To exacerbate the emotional pain, family members may suffer economic harm. Sometimes, these families rely on the deceased’s income to get by, and a sudden cessation of that income can cause a financial nightmare. Additionally, medical bills and funeral costs may need to be paid, which could be difficult for a family on hard financial times.

When negligence causes a car accident that causes the loss of a loved one, a surviving family should consider filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver who caused the accident. In order to recover compensation, the family must prove the defendant was negligent and that negligence caused the victim’s death. An attorney can be pivotal in showing these elements, striving to convince a jury by presenting physical evidence, strong application of the law, and witness testimony.

Recoverable compensation from a wrongful death lawsuit can go a long way to helping a family move past the accident in remembrance in their loved one. Damages for which compensation may be recovered include medical expenses, funeral costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and loss of companionship. Though this money will never bring a loved one back, it can help bring a sense of justice while providing the financial stability a surviving family deserves.

Source:  CBS Philly, “Pedestrian Struck And Killed In Bucks County Hit-Run Crash,” Jan. 27, 2014