Pennsylvania car accident turns into fatal pedestrian crash
Pennsylvanians should be able to walk on sidewalks and in crosswalks without fear of being hit. The sad reality, though, is that pedestrian accidents occur far too frequently. Without adequate protection, those on foot often suffer serious injuries when struck by a vehicle, and those injuries often lead to death. A family that loses a loved one in one of these horrific accidents should know what can be done legally to recover damages.
One Pennsylvania family may need to consider its legal options after its 18-year-old son was killed when he was struck by a vehicle. The accident occurred outside of a McDonald’s where the victim and his friend were walking. According to reports, a truck and a car collided in front of them, and the force of the car accident sent one of the vehicles flying into the two boys. Though the victims were rushed to the hospital, one of them died. The other remains hospitalized in critical condition. The investigation is ongoing and both drivers are apparently cooperating with police.
The loss of a loved one can be devastating, especially when it is sudden and unexpected. In this sorrowful time of mourning, a surviving family may not only be forced to cope with extreme emotional pain, but it may also have to deal with unexpected expenses. Medical expenses and funeral costs can quickly mount, making it difficult for a surviving family to get by.
Fortunately, these families can seek to recover their damages in the form of a wrongful death lawsuit. A Pennsylvania attorney can help a surviving family seek to prove negligence and causation, and he or she will also aggressively seek to show the true extent of the family’s damages.
Hopefully then the driver responsible for the accident will be held accountable and recoverable compensation will be maximized. These awards can help cover many losses, including loss of companionship, pain and suffering, medical expenses, funeral costs, and lost wages. Perhaps just as importantly, it also punishes the driver, helping ensure the negligent acts that caused the deceased’s passing will never occur again.
Source: The Delaware County Daily Times, “Police continue to investigate accident that killed Dante DeSimone,” Cindy Scharr, Jan. 13, 2014
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