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Drunk driver could serve up to 40 years for Chambersburg crash

Driving a motor vehicle gives a person a great deal of freedom. As long as you can buy gas, you can drive anywhere you want at any time. With that freedom, however, comes a substantial responsibility. When operating a car or truck, you have a duty to all the other motorists on the highway. That duty includes not driving drunk.

A trucker violated that duty, when on a section of I-81 not far from Chambersburg, he drove his truck while intoxicated. He struck a pair of vehicles that were on the shoulder and severely injured two men who were working to repair the vehicle that had broken down. 

The truck driver was sentenced to seven to 40 years in prison for aggravated assault by driving under the influence. In court, during the sentencing, the driver accepted responsibility, which convinced the judge not to enhance the sentencing, but she told him he “became a weapon” when drove his truck after consuming 12 ounces of peppermint schnapps.

The men who were injured are owed more than $300,000 in restitution, and the prosecutor noted that total would probably rise by more than $500,000, due to medical bills that were not covered by Medicaid.

The one injured man still suffers from chronic pain that cannot be controlled, and the other will require spinal surgery in the hopes of returning use of his paralyzed arm and hand. He was kept in an induced coma for two months after the accident because of the severity of his injuries.

While one man could spend the next few decades in prison, two other men will probably live with pain and the effect of their injuries every day for the rest of their lives. 

Source: Chambersburg Public Opinion, “Tennessee trucker gets up to 20 years for injuring 2 in DUI crash,” Becky Metrick, May 28, 2014