A recent fatal accident along Route 272 has raised questions from Providence Township residents regarding the safety of this particular stretch of Pennsylvania road. Before the most recent accident, these few miles miles were the scene of at least 22 accidents from 2010 to 2014. For many years, people have wondered how the road could be improved in order to prevent additional motor vehicle accidents.
According to Lancaster County authorities, this particular stretch of road has been identified as one of the main accident locations in the entire county. Much has been discussed regarding the improvement of the road, but a satisfactory resolution has been difficult to find. Much of the danger comes from confusion over where the road splits into separate northbound and southbound roads, making it difficult for drivers turning onto the road to know which is the correct lane.
At one particular intersection, there is no traffic light for drivers crossing the busy road. At another dangerous point along Route 272, there is limited visibility, and it is difficult to see oncoming traffic. Authorities in Providence Township have considered roundabouts, turn lanes and traffic lights as ways to improve safety in this area. Residents have said that it has taken too long to make necessary improvements.
Hazardous road conditions and dangerous road design can place innocent Pennsylvania drivers and passengers at risk. It can be hard to determine how these factors contribute to motor vehicle accidents, but a lawyer can identify responsible parties and advise the victim on his or her legal options. Even in these complex cases, it is possible to hold negligent parties accountable in civil court with a car accident lawyer.
Source: lancasteronline.com, “Recent death brings attention to deadly stretch of Route 272“, Christopher Pratt, Feb. 1, 2016