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Seeking compensation on behalf of your injured child

Children are prone to accidents. Tripping, falling and accidents of all kinds are a part of growing up, yet sometimes, injuries to children are not the result of a simple accident. If your child suffered serious or concerning injuries in an accident while visiting a public place or on privately owned Pennsylvania property, it is possible that his or her suffering is the result of negligence.

From dog bites to sustaining injuries in a slip-and-fall accident, if negligence played a role in the injuries experienced by your child, you could have valid grounds for a premises liability claim. By taking action on behalf of your son or daughter, you could claim compensatory damages from the property owner for injuries and pain and suffering.

Who is to blame for my child’s accident?

Deciding if you have a valid premises liability claim is not easy. You may find that you have a reason to move forward with this option if your child suffered injuries because of any of the following:

It could be days, even weeks, before you know the true extent of your child’s injuries. Your child should not have to suffer because of property conditions, negligent maintenance and other factors. Depending on your situation and the unique elements of your case, it is possible there may be varying degrees of responsibility. The property owner, manager or operator of the facility could be to blame for your child’s suffering.

Valid grounds for a civil claim

Not every accident on public or private property is cause to move forward with a civil claim. However, you may find it beneficial to understand your legal options, beginning with knowing if your child was an invited or permitted guest when on the property. You may have grounds to move forward with a claim if your child is one of the following:

If your child suffered harm while lawfully on public or private property, it is possible that you have grounds to seek compensation on his or her behalf to cover losses such as medical bills, recovery costs and more. Property owners have a responsibility to maintain safe premises for both invitees and licensees or to warn against potential dangers and hazards to visitors.