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Your neighborhood playground can be a minefield of hazards

If you are a parent in Pennsylvania, you will naturally want to protect your child from harm. Unfortunately, you cannot keep your children in cocoons, and there are numerous causes for child injuries. Regardless of how much care you take, some incidents that can cause them harm may happen anyway.

Car accidents, medical negligence, pharmaceutical errors, school ground accidents and many other circumstances may injure your child. Sadly, the neglect of others can sometimes result in injuries that leave your child with permanent disabilities that could have life-long consequences.

How safe is your neighborhood playground?

Children love playgrounds, and you might not realize how dangerous these areas can be. Hundreds of thousands of children end up in emergency rooms every year due to playground injuries, and the fact that many other children play there and have fun does not mean that it is safe. As a concerned parent, you can look out for the following potential dangers that The National Playground Safety Institute regards as common playground hazards:

If your child should suffer a catastrophic injury at a playground as the result of another individual’s negligence, you might have grounds for filing a premises liability lawsuit. An experienced attorney can assess damages such as pain and suffering and estimate future losses in the event of any permanent disabilities.