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Hairdressers have their own dangers to deal with at work

Do you think about construction workers, industrial workers and other obviously dangerous jobs when you think of work-related injuries? Most people do. After all, these are high-risk occupations in which workers face constant, numerous and persistent hazards as they carry out their daily duties.

Nevertheless, other occupations also have dangers that many people simply never consider. For instance, hairdressers actually face numerous hazards on a daily basis that could lead to serious injuries.

What’s so dangerous about a hair salon?

Your customers may not realize that you risk injury and illness every day. Below are the major risks associated with working in cosmetology:

Any of these injuries could prevent you from working and require medical treatment.

You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits

You may be reluctant to file a claim for workers’ compensation after suffering a work-related injury. You may chock it up to just part of your job. Well, working several feet off the ground may just be part of a construction worker’s job, but that doesn’t mean that he or she doesn’t deserve workers’ compensation benefits after a fall.

Knowing the risks of your chosen profession isn’t a liability waiver in case of injury. It means that you and your employer need to take steps to minimize those risks to help prevent injuries. If you suffer injuries while working as a hairdresser, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

More than likely, you have questions about what benefits you could receive and how to go about obtaining them. It may be a good idea to sit down and talk to a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney to get answers to your questions and concerns.