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Getting back to work after a work-related accident

If you suffered an injury in a work-related accident, you know how difficult it can be to pick up the pieces and secure the help and care you need. Injured Pennsylvania workers have the right to seek workers’ compensation benefits after work-related accidents and sicknesses, but it can be beneficial to understand exactly what those benefits entail.

You may have grounds to file a workers’ compensation claim, but it is smart to know what you are entitled to in order to better protect your interests. In addition to the financial support you could get to cover your lost wages and your medical bills, you could also be eligible for benefits that could help you prepare for your return to work. You may be entitled to vocational retraining, which can help you move forward after a workplace accident.

What does vocational retraining mean?

Every workplace accident is different, and what you need to get better and get back to work will differ from what someone else will need. If your accident left you unable to do the same work as you did before or physically incapable of meeting the demands of certain types of employment, you may benefit from vocational retraining benefits. Depending on the nature of your situation and your needs, you could be eligible for the following rehabilitation benefits:

These are only a few of the types of assistance you could get through vocational rehabilitation benefits. One of the intents of workers’ compensation insurance is to help injured workers physically recover and eventually return to work, but sometimes that may mean returning to the workforce in a different capacity. Every case is different, and it could be helpful for you to seek an understanding of the specific types of workers’ compensation benefits to which you could have a rightful claim.

Walking through the claims process

Seeking workers’ compensation benefits is not always an easy process. It can be fraught with challenges and setbacks, and some claims even come back denied. It can be beneficial to seek assistance as you complete your claim and fight for the support you deserve.

Before you file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, you would be wise to seek a complete evaluation of your case. This can help you know more about your rights and how to get the support you need after a workplace injury or occupational illness.