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Requirements for a quality day care provider for your toddler

Most parents in Pennsylvania will do whatever they can to ensure a comfortable life for their families. In most cases, both parents have to work to make that possible. This brings us to one of the hardest things for mothers and fathers of toddlers — having to leave them in the care of people of whom they know nothing. Media reports about abused children at day care facilities cause even more anxiety.

Based on the advice of authorities, your child needs a balanced supply of emotional, mental and physical stimulation for healthy development. Knowing what to look out for in your research for the perfect day care provider might ease your concerns. However, making sure your child receives supportive care, proper nutrition and a healthy environment for development is an ongoing process.

Level of training

It is not enough for a facility’s staff to be capable; they must be adequately certified and licensed according to Pennsylvania standards. Make sure you check the training level of all, from supervisors to part-time assistants, and also newly appointed personnel over time. For a day care facility to be suitable, you would want to see the following:

Handling of dangerous materials

You would want to be sure that your child would be safe from hazardous objects or toxic substances. Making a surprise visit at a time when staff does not expect parents might allow you to see how they handle the following:

Health-related issues

Although you can expect transmissions of illnesses, such as runny noses, in a day care facility, you would want to know how they handle more severe conditions. For better insight, you might look at the following:

There is not much more you can do, except to be alert for any signs of misconduct or the failure to provide reasonable care for your child. If your child should suffer any harm or injury at a day care center, you might have grounds to take legal action against the facility, its owners and staff members. This challenging process will likely need the skills of an experienced Pennsylvania personal injury attorney when navigating the pursuit of economic and noneconomic damage recovery.