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Do you have one of the most dangerous jobs in Pennsylvania?

Every employee takes on a certain level of risk as part of their job, whether they’re answering phones or working as a firefighter. However, some workers take on a substantially greater risk than others. What are the most dangerous jobs in Pennsylvania? More importantly, what should a person do when they get hurt?

Taking The Greatest Risks

As part of the U.S. Department of Labor, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) keeps track of the rate of injury across all industries on a state-by-state basis. Some of the most dangerous occupations in Pennsylvania include:

Another surprising entry on this list are people who work in “arts, entertainment, and recreation.” The high injury rates in this category largely come from people who work as personal trainers, athletes and other highly physical jobs that place above-average demands on their bodies.

What Should Injured Workers Do?

If you work in one of the industries above, in all likelihood you already approach your job with extra caution. You may have witnessed the injury of a coworker, or even experienced an incident yourself. If you are injured on the job, taking the right steps is essential:

Every employer needs to take steps to ensure that your workplace is safe, especially in jobs that are known to be dangerous. However, if these precautions fail, you deserve financial stability in order to focus on your recovery. That is precisely what a good attorney can help you achieve.