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Crashes caused by impaired drivers are on the rise

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2020 | Car Accidents

There seems to be no end to the causes of serious vehicle collisions. Unfortunately, victims of drunk drivers can point to the fact that not only was the other driver acting negligently – but also illegally.

While drunk driving is an illegal activity, crashes caused by impaired drivers are on the rise in Pennsylvania. A recent report highlights several eye-opening statistics.

  • There were 10,346 alcohol-related crashes in 2017. This represents an increase over the previous year.
  • 18 percent of the driver fatalities in the 16-20 age group were drinking drivers. This represents an increase over the previous year.
  • 31 percent of the driver fatalities in the 21-25 age group were drinking drivers.
  • 26 percent of all traffic deaths in 2017 were alcohol-related.

Through the widespread use of sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols, Pennsylvania law enforcement continues to take an aggressive posture to combat drunk driving. Unfortunately, crashes caused by drunk drivers continue to plague our roads.


  • 293 people died in alcohol-related crashes in 2017.
  • On average, 28 alcohol-related crashes occurred each day.
  • 71 percent of the alcohol-related crashes in 2017 occurred during the hours of darkness, usually on weekends.

If you were injured or lost a loved one in a vehicle accident caused by a drunk driver, it is crucial that you act quickly to protect yourself. Based on certain factors, you might be entitled to recover monetary compensation from those deemed legally responsible. Discuss your options for compensation with a skilled personal injury attorney.


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