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3 tips for stepladder safety

Whether it is a construction project or a home renovation, people rely on ladders as a quick and easy tool to extend their reach. From painting up high to cleaning gutters of falling leaves, ladders are ubiquitous in homes, apartments and worksites throughout Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, many individuals, professionals and casual users alike fail to follow crucial safety tips when working on or around a stepladder.

A stepladder, unlike an extension ladder, is a portable, self-supporting object. With support struts in place, when opened it takes on the appearance of a capital A. These objects are so common that workers might fail to see the danger inherent in their use. Here are three tips to remember when using a stepladder:

No matter the scope of the project, ladder safety is crucial. Even if it might seem like it’s adding time to the project, following correct procedures is necessary to avoid catastrophic injuries. Falls from any height can lead to broken bones, head trauma, spinal cord damage or worse. Workers might suffer amputation, paralysis and open head wounds. It is wise to follow safety protocols from start to finish.