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Is dermal absorption a serious concern for factory workers?

Workers in numerous industries face countless hazards during nearly every shift. Whether it is a single-accident injury such as falling down a set of steps or muscle strain due to months of performing the same task over and over, workers could struggle with lifelong injuries. Unfortunately, toxic exposure often represents a more insidious type of injury.

Workers can suffer toxic exposure in numerous ways, including:

Unfortunately, factory workers often discount the severity of skin contact when it comes to toxic materials. They often feel protected by their clothing or are convinced that a quick wash will eliminate any danger. Unfortunately, this is not often the case. Far too often, the chemical is dangerous enough to warrant special treatment from a trained medical professional.

Occupational skin diseases can include severe allergic reactions, skin infections and skin cancer. The rate of dermal absorption depends on numerous factors, including:

Workers must take any type of chemical exposure seriously. No matter the occupation and the type of chemical, workers must clean the area thoroughly, change clothes and research the item in the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to learn of any risk factors. Additionally, the worker must alert the employer and seek a professional medical opinion regarding potential injuries.