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Can I Receive Workers' Compensation Benefits if the Injury Was My Fault?

Were you injured while on the job in Chambersburg, Gettysburg, or elsewhere in Pennsylvania? You have the right to file for workers’ compensation benefits. You may be wondering: Can I still get compensation if I caused my own accident? In Pennsylvania, the answer is “yes”—though there are some limited exceptions. Within this article, our Chambersburg workers’ comp lawyer explains the key things to know about fault and work injury benefits in Pennsylvania.

You Can Still Seek Workers’ Comp Benefits Even if the Accident Was Your Fault

First and foremost, it is important to emphasize that you absolutely can still seek workers’ comp benefits even if you were at fault for your own accident. The purpose of workers’ compensation is to ensure that injured workers get the medical treatment and wage replacement they need to recover and return to work. As explained by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, workers’ compensation provides benefits “for employees who are injured as a result of employment without regard to fault.” That you were at fault does not disqualify you from benefits. You should still file for workers’ comp even if you caused your injury.

Know the Exceptions: When a Workers’ Comp Claim Could Be Denied

While workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, there are circumstances under which a claim could be denied due to the worker’s actions. Here are the key exceptions in Pennsylvania:

If your claim is denied based on one of these exceptions, you are not necessarily out of options. Your employer does not have the final say. A top-tier Pennsylvania workers’ comp lawyer can review your case, investigate your accident, gather evidence, and prepare for an appeal. 

Contact Our Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Attorney Today

At DiLoreto, Cosentino & Bolinger P.C., our Chambersburg workers’ compensation attorney has the professional expertise that you can rely on. If you were hurt on the job and you believe that it was your fault, we can help. Contact us today for your free no-obligation case review. With offices in Chambersburg and Gettysburg, we fight for injured workers throughout the entire region.