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Chambersburg Police look for hit-and-run driver

Being injured in a hit-and-run accident is extremely difficult for victims and their families. In addition to dealing with pain and suffering and facing medical expenses and property damage, it is very frustrating for victims when the person who is responsible for all of this runs away from the consequences. Unfortunately, it was recently reported that hit-and-run accidents are on the rise in major U.S. cities, and hit-and-run fatalities have increased across the nation in recent years.

Chambersburg Police are currently investigating a hit-and-run collision that took place recently when a teenager was walking to school.

According to the Chambersburg Public Opinion, the 16-year-old was near the intersection of East Catherine Street and South Sixth Street, in a crosswalk, when a silver sedan that had been stopped at a stop sign pulled out and struck him.

The driver, who has been described as a woman between the ages of 30 and 45, left the scene.

The extent of the teenager’s injuries is unclear. The news report said that he had bruising and a headache after the car accident, and he was going to seek medical attention at Chambersburg Hospital.

Whether or not a hit-and-run driver is ultimately apprehended, it can be important for victims to seek legal guidance. Car accident attorneys can often help them obtain compensation for their injuries from insurance policies or from negligent parties other than the hit-and-run driver; in some car accidents, there may be more than one driver or party who should be held accountable.

Source:  Chambersburg Public Opinion, “Chambersburg Police search for driver who struck student,” Nov. 3, 2013