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Winter driving tips for Pennsylvania residents

Winter has arrived in full force here in Pennsylvania and numerous car accidents have recently taken place throughout the state, including the massive 50-car pileup that occurred outside Philadelphia. Winter driving certainly presents challenges, but there are a number of things that Pennsylvania drivers can do to help prevent car accidents.

The first step that drivers can take is to ensure their vehicles are ready for winter roads. Taking the car to the shop for a winter checkup is a great idea to make sure the oil levels are sufficient and the tires are safe. Winter drivers should also always keep the gas tank at least halfway full to prevent freezing lines.

And, before going out on the road it is important to completely clear the car of snow. Many people only wipe off the windshield, leaving snow on the hood and roof to blow around on the roads and obstruct the vision of other drivers.

Once the car is ready for the roads, drivers should keep these tips in mind:

  1. Give yourself extra space in order to have enough time to slow down and react to conditions.
  2. Look ahead. Keep an eye out for what might be going on further down the road. Is traffic slowing down? Is there an accident? 
  3. Focus on driving and avoid distractions. Winter driving requires full attention from the driver’s eyes, ears, hands and mind.
  4. Make sure headlights and taillights are on even in daylight because snowy conditions can make it difficult for drivers and pedestrians to see oncoming vehicles.
  5. If you do get into an accident, remain in your vehicle to prevent being injured by a passing vehicle.

These tips can help keep Pennsylvania drivers safe this season. Those who do find themselves involved in an accident should seek legal counsel to learn about their rights to obtain compensation for their injuries.

Source:  WZZM 13, “7 winter driving tips to avoid an accident or injury,” Steve Zaagman and Chris Zoladz, Dec. 13, 2013