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Truck hits bus, leaving several injured in Pennsylvania

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2014 | Truck Accidents

While Pennsylvania remains in winter’s grip, drivers must take precautions to ensure their safety as well as the safety of those around them. Drivers of large vehicles, including semi-trucks, must be aware of their inability to stop quickly on slick roads, and should therefore drive slowly to avoid negligence and to prevent accidents. Failing to do so can cause truck accidents that have life-altering ramification for other motorists.

A semi-truck crash occurred recently when a truck appeared to have rear-ended a bus. Though it is unclear at this time exactly how many people were injured in the wreck, it was reported that five people were loaded into ambulances while 41 others were put back on the bus to be taken to the hospital. The speed limit on the roadway where the accident occurred was 65 miles per hour, meaning the impact could have been severe.

Injuries suffered from a truck collision can be wide-ranging. Victims may suffer from broken bones, torn ligaments, traumatic brain injury, and permanent disability. Though the physical pain from these injuries can be excruciating, it is far from the only harm thrust upon a victim. These individuals must also cope with emotional damage and financial losses caused by the accident.

Fortunately, when the stressors become overwhelming, these individuals can find hope in the form of a personal injury lawsuit. By seeking the assistance of a Chambersburg attorney, these victims can stand a chance of recovering their damages. The attorney will pore over accident reports, evidence and witness testimony in order to craft the best legal strategy possible. Then, if successful in settlement negotiations or at trial, the victim may receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, allowing him or her to get out of debt and focus on reaching as full a recovery as possible.

Source: The Express-Times, “Tractor-trailer, bus crash on Route 33 North in Bethlehem Township, Pa.,” Tony Rhodin, Feb. 5, 2014


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