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One dead, one injured in I-70 head-on car accident

Another tragic accident has occurred on Pennsylvania’s roadways, leaving one dead. The crash occurred on Interstate-70 when an eastbound vehicle was hit head-on by an oncoming vehicle that had crossed the median when it lost control. The driver of the eastbound vehicle was killed and his passenger was injured.

These wrecks leave victims and their families forever changed. A victim who survives the wreck may be rendered immobile, suspended in a state of pain and suffering, damaged emotionally and strained financially. Likewise, families who lose a loved one to a car accident can be left without one who provided emotional and financial stability. These damages can be devastating and long-lasting, and may leave a victim and/or his or her family wondering if there is any hope of recovering and moving on.

Fortunately, there often is a route to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Many times, this path takes the form of a lawsuit. By filing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, depending on the circumstances, a victim or his or her surviving family can seek to recover compensation for their losses while also holding a negligent driver accountable. A Pennsylvania attorney can be crucial in bringing a successful claim, as he or she can provide the legal arguments necessary to have a chance of winning.

Winning a case can make all the difference to a victim or his or her surviving family. Recoveries may help cover medical bills, recoup lost wages, comfort pain and suffering, and ease loss of consortium. While this compensation might help the victim and his or her family reach a full physical, emotional and financial recovery, it also serves to deter negligent driving, thereby helping make Pennsylvania’s roads safer for future motorists.

Source:  CBS Pittsburgh, “Multi-Vehicle Crash Closes I-70 In Washington Co.,” Feb. 22, 2014