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Speed still kills

At one time, there was a highway safety awareness campaign that used the simple, two-word slogan, “Speed Kills,” as its centerpiece. From a marketing perspective, it was to the point, and clear, with no equivocation. It was not “Speed kills if you’re not paying attention.” It was not “Speed kills if you’re not wearing your seat belts.” It was just “Speed Kills.”

The horror of what speed can do was amply illustrated last week here Pennsylvania when a 19-year-old driver of a Mustang crossed the center line on Route 156 and hit head on another Lumina carrying a driver and three passengers. The car accident killed the driver of the Mustang and all three passengers in that vehicle.

It also killed the driver of the Lumina. The three passengers in the Lumina were seriously injured and one of them, the husband of the driver of the Lumina subsequently died of those injuries.

The County Coroner, who responded to the scene of the car accident, noted that, “The scene was horrific. It really was. It was one of the worst I have ever seen.” According to the Sheriff, the wreckage from the accident was spread over “quite a distance.”

At the time of the news report, there was no indication that drugs or alcohol contributed to the crash, but standard toxicology tests are being preformed.

Sadly, it appears excessive speed was the cause of the crash. Speed remains one of the most critical factors with any motor vehicle accident. It reduces the effectiveness of brakes and steering, and greatly reduces the ability of a driver to comprehend hazards in the road. It also makes it easier for a driver to lose control of their vehicle.

The negligence of driving like this is astounding and tragic. The lives of the families will be forever altered due to this negligence. 

Source:, “Medical examiner: 5th Armstrong Co. crash victim dies,” April 18, 2014