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Former SNL star Tracy Morgan injured in truck crash

The deadly truck accident that occurred Saturday is eerily similar to a crash we discussed a few weeks ago on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. In that truck accident, a driver crashed into stopped traffic and caused a car to catch fire and two people died. Saturday night, a truck driver on the New Jersey turnpike also failed to stop for slowed traffic. He swerved but still crashed into limo carrying comedian Tracy Morgan.

The truck accident left Morgan critically injured with a broken leg, nose and ribs. Another comedian riding with him was killed, and two others in the limo were critically injured. The truck driver has been charged with death by auto. 

In an assessment that is true of too many fatal accidents, the limo driver stated a “great day turned tragic in seconds.” 

Prosecutors assert in the criminal complaint that the truck driver had been awake for 24 hours. The news report did not explain how they might determine this, but it is possible that they obtained access to the truck driver’s social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter or they may have checked his phone records.

Such records could provide evidence of where he was and what he was doing, which may make it clear that he was awake the entire time.

These kinds of truck accidents are not really accidents. Many truck drivers feel extreme pressure to drive beyond the periods allowed by law to satisfy delivery schedules created by their employers.

Given the fame of the injured Morgan, we expect this case may receive more attention than the ordinary truck crash. We hope for the recovery of the injured and express our sympathy for the deceased. We will be interested to see more of the details of the driver’s activities prior to the crash.

Source:, “Tracy Morgan “More Responsive” After Surgery: Spokesman,” Sarah Glover, June 9, 2014