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Poor truck maintenance may have caused accident

A Pennsylvania couple has filed a lawsuit against a company, claiming that negligence led to physical suffering. The principal claimant states that he suffered serious injuries in an accident that occurred while driving a truck to deliver groceries for C and S Wholesale Grocers. The lawsuit includes claims that poor truck maintenance is to blame and named C and S Wholesale Grocers and Whiting Door Manufacturing Corp. as defendants.

The man asserts that he was injured by a rolling door that was not working properly. Allegedly, the worker was assured that the door was functioning as intended and that there were warranties supposedly confirming that it was safe. Nevertheless, the man was injured when the door detached from the frame when he tried to shut the door. When the man pulled on the door strap, he fell and suffered damage to his back and other bones. 

The man and his wife filed the suit against the two companies, claiming that they were negligent in the maintenance of their company vehicles. He is seeking complete recovery for his physical suffering and other damages. When a person suffers due to the reckless or negligent actions of another party, it is appropriate to take legal steps in order to seek a complete financial recovery.

When Pennsylvania residents suffer undue harm, it is best to take quick action in order to protect rights and interests. It may be appropriate to seek financial compensation through a civil claim, and a lawyer can determine what options are available. Victims of poor truck maintenance do not have to carry the burden of medical bills and emotional trauma alone. 

Source:, “Truck driver sues companies alleging negligence after accident“, Carrie Bradon, Nov. 30, 2015