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Does a mental disability qualify a person for SSD benefits?

When a Pennsylvania resident is unable to work for any reason, be it mental or physical, he or she could be eligible for financial support from Social Security. To understand how to claim these benefits, a person who is unable to maintain gainful employment due to a mental disability could benefit from the help of a knowledgeable attorney. As the process is complex, a lawyer can be an invaluable asset during this time.

The inability to work is a major set back for a person and his or her family. Financially speaking, this can have a major impact as a person may not be able to maintain an adequate standard of living or even secure the needed treatment for recovery or care. While a person with a mental illness could rightfully qualify for benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance, it can be complicated and downright frustrating to navigate the claims process.

We will walk with you through the entire process, from filing the initial claim to appealing a denied claim. Learn more about eligibility requirements for yourself or a loved one, as well as an expected time line for your claim, by seeking help as soon as possible. We do not believe that any Pennsylvania applicant and family should go through this process alone.

Your mental illness could be a legitimate disability, and we know how to help you get the benefits you deserve. A mental disability and inability to work does not mean that you do not have rights, and we will fight to protect your interests and entitlements from start to finish. Schedule a consultation with a member of our team today and learn about your options.