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Know the rules about choosing a medical care provider

Employers with one or more employees in Pennsylvania must have workers’ compensation insurance in place, even for part-time and seasonal workers. This will pay your medical expenses if you should suffer an on-the-job injury or contract a work-related illness. Furthermore, it will pay a portion of the wages you lost if you were unable to return to work immediately. You may also find comfort in knowing that your dependents will receive similar coverage if you do not survive a workplace accident.

However, you may be one of many employees who have questions about the regulations connected to the medical care and choice of care providers. Some occupational injuries require ongoing treatment, and confusion sometimes exists about the coverage of related medical expenses.

Rules related to medical benefits

You will receive benefits to cover medical expenses from the first day of the injury. However, the following rules apply to the choice of doctor:

If you have questions about your rights under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, you will find the answers with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can also assist with the navigation of your benefits claim or an appeal if your claim was denied.