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How to avoid falling, flying, swinging or rolling objects on site

Although an endless list of hazards exists in the construction industry, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a group of four to which they refer to as the Construction Focus Four. If you are a construction worker in Pennsylvania, you might already know that falls, caught-in-between, electrocution and struck-by hazards represent more than 50 percent of construction-related workplace fatalities each year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, of these four hazards, struck-by equipment or objects are most prevalent.

Safety advisers, including OSHA, say taking appropriate precautions can help prevent these accidents. General precautions include the proper personal protective equipment. No one should be on a construction site without safety boots with steel toes and a hard hat.

Struck-by precautions

You can also protect yourself by only operating equipment that is adequately maintained, has the necessary safety devices and for which you have adequate training. There are four types of struck-by hazards to address when establishing safety protocols for a construction project, each with its own precautions.

Falling objects

A falling object can strike you, or if it falls on you, it could crush or pin you under its weight. The following precautions could prevent falling objects:

Flying objects

Thrown, propelled or hurled objects cause this hazard, and the following steps might prevent injury:

Rolling objects

This hazard includes incidents, such as a moving vehicle or other sliding or rolling object, that knock you down without trapping you. Prevent such an injury by doing the following:

Swinging or slipping objects

These hazards typically involve cranes or hoists with loads that are either affected by high winds or an out-of-control operator. The following precautions might prevent accidents:

Although you might improve your chances of staying safe by taking these precautions, even a small error by someone else can cause a construction accident that could send you to the hospital with severe injuries. You might suffer temporary disability, and along with mounting medical bills, the lost wages could ruin your financial stability. Fortunately, the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation insurance system assists injured workers. You are also free to use the services of experienced legal counsel to help navigate a benefits claim.