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Why is a winter survival kit essential in a vehicle?

Drivers in Pennsylvania often find themselves struggling to stay safe during the winter months. From rapidly changing weather conditions to increased traffic due to holiday travel, roads can quickly go from calm to calamitous. Safety experts encourage drivers to maintain a safety survival kit throughout the winter months.

Motor vehicle crashes can range in severity depending on the types of vehicles involved and the speed of the collision. From a head-on collision to a rear-end collision, vehicle occupants can suffer a host of devastating injuries. Even a collision that seems minor can have a catastrophic impact on the safe operation of the vehicle. From flat tires and damaged electrical systems to mechanical failure due to ruptured fluid lines, drivers can soon find themselves stranded in sub-freezing weather. It is wise to include certain items in a survival kit that might prove lifesaving, including:

From ice and snow on the roads to shorter daylight and heavy winds, winter travel can quickly transition from safe to precarious. Drivers must avoid distractions and take steps to reduce their exposure to dangerous conditions. If a motor vehicle collision occurs, the presence of a well-stocked survival kit might mean the difference between minor injuries and catastrophic damage.