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Legal options when defective products harm kids

When a child is injured due to a defective product, it can be an overwhelming experience for parents and guardians. From toys and car seats to household items and medical devices, children are especially vulnerable to harm from unsafe products. In such situations, families may benefit from opportunities to hold manufacturers, retailers or other responsible parties accountable for the harm that their children have unnecessarily suffered. 

One of the primary ways that families can seek legal recourse when a defective product harms a child is filing a product liability claim. Product liability law holds manufacturers, distributors and retailers responsible for placing defective or dangerous products on the market. 

Taking action

To succeed in a product liability claim, a family must demonstrate that a product was defective, that the defect caused a child’s injury and that the injury resulted in some kind of financial harm. Although recalls of defective products may affect millions of consumers, each case of harm involving a product that has been recalled – or that should be recalled but hasn’t been yet – is unique. As a result, it is important to seek legal guidance concerning a harm-related scenario in order to build the strongest possible case.

It is also worth noting that it is important to act quickly in defective product cases. Each state has a statute of limitations that limits the amount of time a family has to file a claim. Additionally, acting quickly can potentially help to ensure that others don’t suffer the same kind of harm that has already occurred. In this way, seeking justice in the wake of injury can help both a family directly affected by a defect, as well as others who risk the same kind of harm.